Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay on Vietnamese Americans - 3140 Words
Abstract The following paper will discuss Vietnamese Americans and their journey to America. I will talk about how these incredible and resilient people fought to succeed it a world that seemed to hold the odds against them. The culture, beliefs, and challenges of Vietnamese people are a precise paradigm of their strength and perseverance. Unfortunately, Vietnamese Americans make up only a small percent of the total American Population today. There are many stereotypes associated with the Vietnamese, but the truth is, we really know very little about their culture. After the Viet Nam War, many Vietnamese citizens immigrated to the United States to escape political Prosecution and poverty. Faced with a variety of obstacles and†¦show more content†¦The act was implemented in 1989 and called The Vietnamese Amerasian Homecoming Act. Amerasian is a term used to describe children of Vietnamese mothers and American fathers (or vice versa). Enabling approximately 25,000 Amerasian children into the country with their immediate families, the act allowed over 77,000 Vietnamese immigrants into the United States. Overall, between 1981 and 2000, over 531,000 Vietnamese citizens, voluntarily immigrated to the United States and were accepted. Although the United States progressively allowed more Vietnamese immigrants in to the country, if there were never limits to the number of legal refuges, tens of thousands of lives may have been spared. Currently, the United States continues to limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the country. Politicians are even trying to upgrade the charge to a felony offense if immigrants are caught entering the United Sates illegally. The interesting part of this phenomenon is that the only people who are native to America are the Native American Indians. Other than that, everyones family had immigrated to America at some point. Having said that, maybe we should be more forthcoming when trying to pass a law by stating that now, since our family is already here, we should start to limit the number of new immigrants that enter. I find the hypocrisy of our government to somewhat overwhelming. At this point, the American peopleShow MoreRelatedEssay about I am Vietnamese, I am American3111 Words  | 13 PagesI am Vietnamese, I am American Durian fruit. When people ask me how I feel about my Vietnamese culture, the first thing that comes to mind is durian fruit. Unlike the strawberries or cherries found at Safeway, durian fruit at first glance does not even look edible. The entire fruit resembles a dirty old football, except that durian weighs nearly three pounds. One-inch spikes and a tough brown outer peel cover the fruit, giving it an intimidating look. Inside, yellow, kidney-shaped pieces lineRead MoreThe Between Vietnamese And American Education Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pagescontributing to people’s success. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Business strategy- OSIM international Ltd - 3823 Words
Executive Summary This paper provides a strategic management study in case of OSIM international ltd. It seeks to study the company in detail with regards to its operations in Singapore and China. The outline of this case study includes the strategic analysis, objectives, implementation and evaluation and management of the business strategies. A critical analysis of the issues hindering the companys implementation of the strategies is discussed. Further, it includes the observation and identification of past and current trends of the company and on the other hand predictions and assumptions of future prospects are analysed. Lastly, in accordance to the case study analysis, a few recommendations are provided. Table of Contents†¦show more content†¦(‘‘DEMI’’) and Red Time Trading Ltd (‘‘RT’’). The three suppliers provide 71% (approx.) of the materials for the equipment manufacturing. In failure to do so, the company will suffer unexpected losses and disruption (OCBC, 2000). There are high levels of substitutes for these products. The cost of transferring to other major health and lifestyle firm is relatively low. There are number of players in the global market which makes the substitution level high. With the notable player like OTO and Ogawa, where their products prices are much lower than OSIMs products might attract the lower-income household. The healthcare products have a continuous change and a need for adaption. The customers are aware of the OSIM-like products offered by other firms. Therefore the bargaining power of customers is relatively high. This industry has a stiff and aggressive competition, as there are competitors such as OTO, Ogawa and Panasonic. OSIM’s competitive position is an attractive industry with a high potential for above-average returns. In addition, OSIMs turbulence model in this industry is complexity because they produce many types of products, which are launched in many markets in Asian countries. Customers are range from young working adults to elderly. Hence the degree of interconnectedness is moderately complex environment with different culture in many countries (OSIM, 2012). In summary, strengths of OSIM are large network of outlets featuring diverse range ofShow MoreRelatedOsim2084 Words  | 9 Pages 5. Recommendations Page 7 6. Conclusions Page 7 7. Referencing Page 8 Introduction OSIM the well establish Asia healthy life style brand, originated from Singapore. OSIM was founded by Dr Ron Sim Chye Hock in November 1980. Initially derive from R Sim Trading which deal mainly with household appliance. Dr Ron Sim Chye Hock later founded OSIM and eventually changes his focus to creating healthy life style products since he felt a great market potential in homeRead MoreCourts Strategy2773 Words  | 12 Pages1. Business Overview Courts PLC began expanding in the 1960s and had outlets in more than 9 countries. Courts was first established in Singapore in 1974 and in Malaysia 13 years later. In the early 2000s we saw the bankruptcy of Courts PLC where subsidiaries were sold to investors to repay the debts. Courts Asia Limited (Courts) was later independently formed and it is now a leading retailer in Southeast Asia for Furniture, Electrical Appliances and IT Products. Courts Asia is predominantly
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Anglican Retirement Villages
Question: Discuss about the Anglican Retirement Villages. Answer: Introduction The impact of information technology has resulted in facilitating the ease of operations for the business organizations (Aronson, Shenhar Patanakul, 2013). It has been useful for integration of operations of healthcare industries and for the development of information system for easing the record keeping facility of the patients record. The use of IT has been analyzed for keeping track of the various services and technological equipments for making an affordable and accessible business process development technology. The report has been made for analysis of information technology and its uses in the healthcare business organization. The organization selected for the study is Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV). The report has pointed out the various applications and advantages of Medication and Care Management System (MCMS) for the operations at Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV). The last section of the report consists of risk factors and their mitigations strategies of the use of Information Technology at the selected organization. Need and importance of IT for healthcare industry According to Baskerville and Wood-Harper (2016), the main reasons behind the implementation of the Information Technology in the healthcare industries are increased load of information processing, improvement of efficiency, and best service provision. Increased Load of Information Processing: The development and foundation of new and improved technology has resulted in increasing the number of operations at the healthcare industry (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta Lanvin, 2013). The various tools and equipments at the healthcare system include the processing of various types of information such as personal information, symptoms of disease, medical treatment history, and ongoing treatments of the patients. Improvement of Efficiency: The development of technology has made the system more advanced and provides more efficiency of operations (Bloom et al., 2014). The time required for processing any information and developing treatment for them can be achieved by the use of information system. Best Service Provision: The use of information system has helped in providing best treatment facilities to the patients (Bonham-Carter, 2014). The information system provides the benefit of faster results as the data and information has been stored in an integrated database. Comprehensive structure: The use of Information technology has been able to supply the comprehensive structure to the health care industries. The manual data recording has flaws like error of redundancy and misinterpretation that can be omitted by using the information system (Cassidy, 2016). The structure of the information system is comprehensive that allows automatic data recording facility. Speed of operation: The information technology has been largely helpful for increasing the speed of information processing and access. The information technology would assist the doctors for faster processing of data and acquisition of supple information that can help in treatment of the patients. Reduction of risk in tests: The information system would help in optimizing the processed involved in the risky test by supplying necessary data and symptoms for the patients (Cornford Shaikh, 2013). The vast storage and faster data access would also reduce the need for performing the tests again while treating the patients. Requirements of IT implementation at ARV The MCMS system is an IT infrastructure that helps in faster data transfer for the healthcare (Team, 2013). The MCMS system implementation in healthcare industries requires components of software, network, hardware, and data. They have been described in the following paragraph- Cost estimation and planning: The development of MCMS at ARV would require proper budgeting and cost estimation for implementing the system. The project planning and scheduling consists of making a budget for the system. The MCMS budget would comprise of expense on software, hardware, premise, salary of the team, and others. Software installation: The software consists of the programming codes and application programs that would be helpful for providing the use of devices and components at ARV. Software can be classified into system software or devices software and applications (Dahlstrom, Walker Dziuban, 2013). The various healthcare devices like X-ray, cardiograph machines, and other machines require the device software and operating system for functioning and operating. Network designing: The network access at the healthcare has been implemented for connecting the devices on the single accessible platform. The network access can be installed by using LAN or WLAN connection for the devices of ARV (Davenport, 2013). It is important for keeping the devices and equipments of the healthcare on a single database platform so that the data can be accessed from any place. Hardware equipments: Hardware is the tangible objects that can be touched and it helps in running the programs or the processes. Objects like machine, equipments, computer devices, monitor, and printer act as the hardware components of the information system made for the healthcare organization. Applications of IT in Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV) The ARV has deployed the Information technology for improving their operations and processes (Team, 2013). The Medical Care System has provided many benefits to the healthcare operations at ARV such as faster services and better treatment for their patients. Maintenance of patients record: The use of information technology would help in maintaining records for the patients. The records kept in the MCMS would be helpful for providing the services of the treatments (Davies et al., 2013). The records would be accessed for treating the patients and forming analysis of the treatments for the operations of the ARV. Monitor the patients: The use of information technology would ease the operations of monitoring the patients and providing treatments to them at the ARV. The information technology would provide the analysis of vital signs and symptoms of the patients to monitor the patients 24/7 with the help of IT devices and equipments. Performance of tests: The computerized tests and X-rays have been helpful for providing the benefit of safer and quicker tests and x-ray reports to the doctors of ARV. The computerized testing has increased the quality, accuracy and pace of delivery of the reports. Further development: The information technology has been helpful for improving the processes and operations for the ARV. The infrastructure of the information technology would be helpful for processing the current data and provide the further development of the system (Friedman et al., 2013). The continuous innovation in the Information technology would help in future development of ARV. Advantages of using IT developed MCMS in Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV) There are many benefits of the IT MCMS for different operations of ARV that have been explained below: Scalable Automatic Data Storage: The use of information system has provided the ease of automatic data storage for the data stored at ARV. The information system has been helpful for providing the automatic data storage system (Galliers Leidner, 2014). The doctors and other stakeholders of ARV does not have to manually store the data in the database system. Secured Information System: The information technology has made the information system of the ARV more secured and private. The patients record, personal information and resources information can be kept secured at ARV. According to Hwang and Lim (2013), the privacy of the stakeholders personal data is very important as it protects the data and information from external infiltration and misuse. Effective Communication: The use of Information technology would be helpful for providing the benefit of effective communication at the operations of the ARV. The treatment and care of the patients has been improved with the development of effective communication in the healthcare. According to Webster (2014), the information system has become the fastest way to transfer information and data for developing the communication. Hence the information technology has provided many other benefits like stakeholders engagement, wireless data transfer, and expanded recognition among individuals for ARV. It has improved the process of treatment and care of the patients at the ARV. Risk factors for using MCMS in Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV) The information technology brought the benefits of faster data processing, scalable storage system, improved performance of treatments, and unparallel communication at ARV (Ibrahim et al., 2013). However, the deployment of the information system technology has not been limited to benefits. The information system has brought some issues like delay of operation due to design flaw, hardware/software failure, and unauthorized access in the main system database. The risk factors have been explained below- Design Flaws: The designing phase of the information system is very crucial and a small mistake while making the design would result in causing major flaw (such as system lockdown) in the system (Kellermann Jones, 2013). The design flaw would lead to the slowing of the process of treatments of patients. It would result in delay of the patients treatment and care at ARV that would ultimately affect the health of the patients. Hardware/Software Failure: The hardware or software flaw would result in causing immense failure of the system functionality (Schwalbe, 2015). The hardware malfunctioning and software crash would result in hindering the treatment process and analysis of the patients care. The various tests and treatment processes are all dependent on the functionality of the devices and equipments at ARV. Unauthorized Access: The unauthorized access is the most primary security risk issue for the information system (Stair Reynolds, 2013). The ARV would have to face the unauthorized access in their main database system. The patients record, personal information and resources information can be hacked by using the advanced hacking tools and features. It would violate the confidentiality and right to privacy of the information at ARV. Hence, proper steps should be taken for dealing with the issues and risk factors of the information system at ARV. Risk Mitigation Strategies in Anglican Retirement Villages(ARV) The risk mitigation strategy for the ARV includes four main processes and they are risk identification, risk impact assessment, risk prioritization, and risk mitigation (planning, implementation, and monitoring) (Sweis, 2015). The risk mitigation have been shown in the figure below The risk mitigation strategy consists of priority matrix that can be used for prioritizing the risk factors and developing the handling options for the risk factors (Sweis et al., 2014). The priority matrix consists of five options like assume/accept, avoid, control, transfer, and watch/monitor. The functions of the risk factor have been explained below- Assume/Accept: The assume factor would be based on the particular deliberate risk of the operation. The risk factor would require special effort for dealing with the system risks. Avoid: the programs have to be avoided for dealing with the flaws in the program requirements and constraints. The adjustment and accommodation would be change from the adjustment of the technical requirements. Control: The control is used for implementing the actions for minimizing the actions of the risk and its likelihood. Transfer: the risk factors would be dealt by employing the responsibility and authority to some other individual. Watch/Monitor: The risk factors can be monitored for minimizing the impact of the risk and the nature. Conclusion It can be concluded from the report that the advancement of the medical processes had been due to the influence of the information technological development. The information system that has been used in healthcare can be improved for providing the safety, better efficiency, and potential improvement for the operations of healthcare industries. The report had provided the review of the IT developed medical care management system for the ARV. The risk mitigation strategies had been provided for dealing with the risk factors and it includes risk identification, risk impact assessment, risk prioritization, and risk mitigation (planning, implementation, and monitoring). The information system and technology had been implied for the development of the healthcare industry. References Aronson, H., Shenhar, J., Patanakul, P. (2013). Managing the Intangible Aspects of a Project: The Affect of Vision, Artifacts, and Leader Values on Project Spirit and Success in Technology-Driven Projects. Project Management Journal, vol. 44, pp- 3558. [Accessed 15 Jan. 2017] Baskerville, R.L. Wood-Harper, A.T. (2016). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. InEnacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2(pp. 169-190). Springer International Publishing. Bilbao-Osorio, B., Dutta, S. Lanvin, B. (2013, April). The global information technology report 2013. InWorld Economic Forum(pp. 1-383). 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Social Pressure and Perception Essay Example
Social Pressure and Perception Essay Picture yourself in the following scenarios, youve answered an advert in the local paper to take part in an experiment for psychology purposes, you arrive along with others but not realising that you are the only true volunteer. You are all placed in a darkened room and the only thing you can see is a pin point of light which tends to move (The Autokinetic Effect). Then later your all asked how much the pin points of light moved and then compared the answers collected from the other volunteers (Stooges). As an individual you give your answer which is different from your group answer. Another experiment involves two cards, one contains a single vertical line and the other card contains three different lengths of vertical lines. The end result in both of these experiments shows how we conform to others. Im going to explain in two ways in depth how we Conform to others, the Self Concept and Obedience. At the end of this essay you will see that Ive noted how important it is that we meet the BPS ethical guidelines when experiments like these are done. Conformity In 1935 a Psychologist called Sherif wanted to show how people conformed to other peoples ideas, so he used an experiment called the Autokinetic Effect and this involved placing the subjects in a darkened room with a pin point of light which would eventually move about. Sherif asked the subjects to estimate how much the pin point of light moved and they all gave very different answers ranging from one to seven inches. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Pressure and Perception specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Pressure and Perception specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Pressure and Perception specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Each subject tended to make the same sort of judgement whenever they were tested. For instance their answers for the next set of tests would be the same as the previous experiments. These were the results that Sherif got when the subjects were tested on their own. However when they were sat in a room all together they seemed to give the same answers as each other. The result in this experiment is Conformity. In 1951 a Social Psychologist called Solomon Asch invented an experiment to explore how pressure from one person could affect another persons perceptions. In total, one third of the subjects who were put in this situation went along with the clearly erroneous majority. Aschs experiment involved 4 lines, 3 of the lines were different lengths to the 1st line. These were shown to college students in groups of 8 to 10. He told them that he wanted to study the visual perception and that their task was to decide which of the lines matched the same as the 1st line. It was obvious to see what the correct answer was. Asch asked the students to give their answers aloud. Only 1 student in each group was the real subject. All the others were confederates who were instructed to give inaccurate answers on a number of trials. Asch made sure that the real subject was the next to the last person in each of these groups to provide their answer. This is because Asch wanted the subject to hear most of the confederate incorrect answers before giving his own. The question is would the subject go along with the crowd? Asch was amazed to find that most of the subjects conformed to the majority at least once and the rest of them conformed on more than 6 of the 12 trials. When confronted with a unanimous incorrect answer by the other group members, the mean subject conformed on 4 of the 12 trials. Asch was disturbed by these results: The tendency to conform in our society is so strong that reasonably intelligent and well-meaning young people are willing to call white black. This is a matter of concern. It raises questions about our ways of education and about the values that guide our conduct. Theories of the self When we are born into this world we do not know anything. We are unable to do things for ourselves and do not understand anything. As we grow and develop our self into the unique human we are today we see ourselves through others. Charles Horton Cooley proposed the theory Looking Glass Self the process of developing a self-image on the basis of the messages we get from others, as we understand them. There are three components to the looking glass self: 1. We imagine how we appear to others. 2. We imagine what their judgement of that appearance must be. 3. We develop some self-feeling such as pride or mortification, as a result of our imagining others judgement. 4. Charles Cooley basically tells us that we use others as a mirror and that is how we think others see us. In 1969 Michael Argyle described four main factors that affect the way an individuals self concept develops and is maintained in day to day living. These factors are: 1. Other peoples reactions for instance if we are talking to another person and they seem to look at something else or seem to be in another place we feel that we are dull and boring the other person or dont seem interesting enough for the other person to want to pay full attention. 2. Comparisons with other people and how we should look to fit in, to be accepted by others. How we look in comparison to the next person for instance within a group/gang we would always want to be the better person within the group/gang. 3. Roles, Everybody has different sets of roles that they play in their life, for example: as a parent, as a neighbour, as a wife/husband etc. Each set of roles come with different types of behaviour. 4. Identification with others. Self-identity originally comes into existence through identification with others. Being part of a family, group, community or a culture is a primary psychological motivation based on the primacy for attachment, relatedness, emotional involvement with others, and the desire for acceptance and love. Through the process of identification with others the rudiments of the self are constituted through the internalization of others who possess the psychological characteristics of similarity.
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