Monday, May 25, 2020
The Costs Associated with International Quotas and Other...
Economics in International Business What are the Costs Associated with International Quotas and other Trade Restrictions? Introduction There are many different policy tools that can be used to apply limitations on international trade. Countries engage in such polies for a wide array of different reasons or motivations. Generally the most common justification for instituting such a policy is to protect domestic producers in any business activity that is deemed appropriate to protect national interests. For example, if the domestic producer of military weapons is not competitive with other firms on the international market then a country might implement some form of trade restriction to protect the domestic industry from foreign competition. If no trade restriction is placed on the good, such as goods produced by military manufactures, then domestic firms might not be competitive in the international market and be dismantled. In the event of a national emergency not having a strong production base in a strategic industry could severely disadvantage a nation. Therefore countries often intervene in markets to protect w hatever they deem as their strategic interests. This may include defense items, food production, water resources, natural resources, and many others. However, though such interventions may come as result of some strategic goal, they also have significant economic consequences in regards to economic efficiency. This paper will examine some of the economicShow MoreRelatedNafta ( North American Free Trade Agreement1449 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Free Trade Agreement) was formed in 1994 and created one of the world’s largest free trade zones which includes Mexico, United States and Canada. NAFTA is an example of a multilateral approach to free trade. 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